GE Galaxy

Event Log

Oct 21, 2007 by Alfrando

G2 Family Level Calculator have gone through a few modification. I don't think it should need more work less IAH decides to come up with new calculations.

Oct 20, 2007 by Alfrando

After idling one month without updates, I decided to develop G2 Family Level Calculator. I didn't have a heart at programming so I decided to make a simple one with TBot Development Model ver. 1.0.a If you mind about data validation then this calculator is not for you cause I just can't be bothered.

Aug 15, 2007 by Alfrando

Added detail stances but will need time before i can get everything up. Also added is The Family and Pillar Location at this page. A check on the world map revealed its outdated. I have updated a new copy.

Aug 07, 2007 by Alfrando

It's been nearly a month, I have been able to add more maps, get Stance, RNPC, Quest and Monster sections up. Still there will be more time needed to built a more complete data set on what is available for the game.

Jul 12, 2007 by Alfrando

In the beginning....

The hope of finding more fansites that support Granado Espada. Gamers a-like, binded in the game who will come out and make a difference. As the search went on, a new site is born to the world: GE Galaxy